Digital & Innovative Learning Opportunities
Grade: F
Rank: #50
Louisiana supports dual enrollment and CTE credentialing and industry-recognized certifications. The state also has a legal framework for Innovation schools and emphasizes mastery-based learning principles through its “Blueprint for Innovation.”
Transformational Learning Opportunities:
Virtual & Online Schooling: Students in Louisiana can attend two of the state’s multi-district, online charter schools - Louisiana Virtual Charter Academy and University View Academy. Multiple districts, including St. Martin Parish SD, St. Tammany Parish SD, Jefferson Parish Schools, and the Virtual Academy of Lafourche, offer online schooling options for students. Hybrid learning options are also available with blended learning centers across the state, including the Pathways in Education program. NOLA Public Schools is a member of Digital Promise’s League of Innovative Schools. The League of Innovative Schools is a national network of school leaders in 150 districts in 38 states that aim to enhance and scale digital learning opportunities for students across the nation. Digital Learning Resources: Louisiana Believes - the state’s department of education - provides online digital learning materials for teachers and leaders, including digital citizenship guides. Curious about your district’s internet access? ConnectK-12 provides state- and district-specific information on access to the recommended bandwidth speeds and monthly internet costs. Career & Technical and/or Work-based Education: Jump Start is the state’s career and technical education (CTE) program. Louisiana offers a Career Diploma, which is accomplished through attaining an industry-promulgated, industry-valued credential. The state also offers resources on career-based internships, virtual workplace experiences, and micro-credentialing. Louisiana offers a Supplemental Course Academy, which provides students access to high-quality, career, and technical education leading to career credentialing. According to CTE K-12 Funding, In Louisiana, public schools can receive state funds for CTE from three places. One of these is the Minimum Foundation Program (MFP) Career Development Funds (CDF). These funds make up 6 percent of the MFP State and Local Base Cost Per Pupil, which amounts to $241 for students in grades 9-12 taking approved courses. Personalized, Competency- and/or Mastery-based Learning: In 2015 and 2017, the Next Generation Learning Challenges funds were provided to two cohorts of Louisiana schools to pioneer personalized, blended, and competency-based learning. Louisiana implemented a Strength of Diploma that allows students to participate in the JumpStar TOPS Tech Pathway or the TOPS university pathways, which assigns points in its accountability system based on a student’s graduate profile. Strength of Diploma evokes personalized learning by ensuring students have access to high-quality learning pathways that reflect their college and career interest.