
Overall PPI Score: 70.3%

Digital & Innovative Learning Opportunities

Grade: F
Rank: #50

Louisiana supports dual enrollment and CTE credentialing and industry-recognized certifications. The state also has a legal framework for Innovation schools and emphasizes mastery-based learning principles through its “Blueprint for Innovation.”

Transformational Learning Opportunities:

Virtual & Online Schooling:

Digital Learning Resources:

  • Louisiana Believes - the state’s department of education - provides online digital learning materials for teachers and leaders, including digital citizenship guides. 

  • Curious about your district’s internet access? ConnectK-12 provides state- and district-specific information on access to the recommended bandwidth speeds and monthly internet costs. 

Career & Technical and/or Work-based Education:

  • Jump Start is the state’s career and technical education (CTE) program. Louisiana offers a Career Diploma, which is accomplished through attaining an industry-promulgated, industry-valued credential. The state also offers resources on career-based internships, virtual workplace experiences, and micro-credentialing.

  • Louisiana offers a Supplemental Course Academy, which provides students access to high-quality, career, and technical education leading to career credentialing.

  • According to CTE K-12 Funding, In Louisiana, public schools can receive state funds for CTE from three places. One of these is the Minimum Foundation Program (MFP) Career Development Funds (CDF). These funds make up 6 percent of the MFP State and Local Base Cost Per Pupil, which amounts to $241 for students in grades 9-12 taking approved courses.

Personalized, Competency- and/or Mastery-based Learning:

  • In 2015 and 2017, the Next Generation Learning Challenges funds were provided to two cohorts of Louisiana schools to pioneer personalized, blended, and competency-based learning.

  • Louisiana implemented a Strength of Diploma that allows students to participate in the JumpStar TOPS Tech Pathway or the TOPS university pathways, which assigns points in its accountability system based on a student’s graduate profile. Strength of Diploma evokes personalized learning by ensuring students have access to high-quality learning pathways that reflect their college and career interest.