Your Governor:

Sarah Huckabee Sanders (R) (75)
First term began in 2023 (two-term limit).
The Governor wasted no time upon taking office in leading the charge for groundbreaking changes in law that resulted in parent power winning a major victory in 2023. With passage of a comprehensive act which addresses everything from funding to teachers to choices for parents, Huckabee Sanders showed herself to be a true champion of educational opportunities for families.
The legislature backed the Governor wholeheartedly and fought the reluctance of rural legislators who in many states work to protect the traditional system. Kudos to policymakers here who listened to their constituents and moved the needle in dramatic ways.
Constitutional Issues

The Arkansas constitution does not contain a Blaine Amendment, but it does contain a Compelled Support Clause, and "while receiving little judicial attention, does not forbid religiously neutral school choice programs, provided funds allotted for the public schools are not used." (Institute for Justice)

Arkansas keeps its schools accountable by making school data transparent. School report cards are accessible at the ADE Data Center, which is linked under the “Offices → Public School Accountability” tab on the Arkansas Department of Education homepage. School report cards are parent-friendly, offering clear and comprehensive information on student performance, achievement, demographics, college readiness, graduation rate, teacher quality, and more. The compare school/district feature enhances their usefulness for parents.
Another plus is that Educational Options, including school choice initiatives, charter schools, home school, schools of innovation, are highlighted on the homepage and under the “Offices → School Choice & Parent Empowerment” tab.
School Board elections in Arkansas occur separately from the general election cycle, often resulting in reduced parental influence and a diminished ability to make their voices heard due to lower voter turnout.