Digital & Innovative Learning Opportunities
Grade: B
Rank: #19
Alternative assessments are allowed by law and schools can create their own instructional time models to accommodate learning that occurs outside of the classroom, signaling the state’s support for and investment in competency-based education. Thus, dual enrollment and CTE are allowed; the state provides information to students looking to earn college credit in high school, schools can offer CTE programs with industry certification, and the state has even allowed employer reimbursement for workers’ comp insurance to cover work-based learning for public school students.
Transformational Learning Opportunities:
Virtual & Online Schooling:
- Virtual Arkansas, a free, full-time online school option is available to all students in Arkansas! The school opened a physical location in August 2023, providing families and educators with a space to connect.
- Wynn Public Schools, a rural district offering blended learning opportunities to 2,600 students, is a member of Digital Promise’s League of Innovative Schools. The League of Innovative Schools is a national network of school leaders in 150 districts in 38 states that aim to enhance and scale digital learning opportunities for students across the nation.
Digital Learning Resources:
- To graduate high school, the state requires each student to take at least one digital learning course. A full list of providers approved by the state can be found here.
- Connect 2 Digital is a platform that delivers blended professional development courses in various subjects including blended learning, math, state testing, digital summer training, and computer science. Team Digital is a group of experts that “provides ongoing support to school districts during the planning, implementation, and evaluation of digital courses, professional development sessions, and blended or online learning environments at district, regional, and state levels.”
Curious about your district’s internet access? ConnectK-12 provides state- and district-specific information on access to the recommended bandwidth speeds and monthly internet costs.
Under statute, Arkansas allows schools to offer work-based learning opportunities to students. Further, students in the state can earn credit towards graduating for work-based learning activities.
Arkansas has moderate personalized learning activity. The state DOE has committed to competency-based learning, providing students with credit for mastery.
Under statute, Schools of Innovation are allowed in Arkansas. The state’s Schools of Innovation program promotes personalized learning by giving schools the flexibility to experiment with new models of teaching and learning - a list of schools for 2023-24 can be found here. In 2023, legislation simplified the procedure for public schools to secure a waiver, streamlining the continuation of successful programs.