Digital & Innovative Learning Opportunities
Grade: C
Rank: #27
South Dakota has numerous options when it comes to CTE and work-based learning opportunities. It also allows competency-based graduation requirements, giving students at least some opportunities in addition to their traditional setting.
Transformational Learning Opportunities:
Virtual & Online Schooling: South Dakota does not have a statewide virtual school, nor does it have multi-district fully online schools. As a consortium of Department of Education-supported providers, South Dakota’s Center for Virtual Education is the state’s main hub for online learning for district schools. The center partner with four providers to offer a multitude of courses, including credit recovery, career and technical education, world languages, and dual credit. A few school districts, like Rapid City Area Schools, provide online learning options. Sioux Falls School District 49-5 is a member of Digital Promise’s League of Innovative Schools. The League of Innovative Schools is a national network of school leaders in 150 districts in 38 states that aim to enhance and scale digital learning opportunities for students across the nation. Digital Learning Resources: South Dakota’s Tools for Teachers website launched in the 2020-2021 school year, providing educators access to high-quality digital tools and resources and professional development. Technology and Innovation in Education (TIE) gathers educational materials, offers guidance on utilizing online tools effectively, and delivers tailored assistance for employing optimal teaching strategies for learning. Curious about your district’s internet access? ConnectK-12 provides state- and district-specific information on access to the recommended bandwidth speeds and monthly internet costs. Career & Technical and/or Work-based Education: South Dakota’s Division of College, Career and Student Success provides CTE programming. The state has 16 career clusters and CTE standards, and work-based learning opportunities through Career Ready SD. Students can earn industry-recognized credentials. In 2013, South Dakota enacted SB235, which established a fund for programs to enhance economic development and education, with some of the funds designated to provide grants for CTE programs in secondary schools. In 2023, four school districts were awarded more than $800,000 in grants to purchase CTE related equipment or facilities. Personalized, Competency- and/or Mastery-based Learning: The Harrisburg School District has implemented competency-based, personalized learning in multiple schools and continues to expand. The school district’s transformation to personalized learning has made them a role model for districts around the country; they've had over 2,000 people across 10 states visit and learn about their implementation.