New Jersey

Overall PPI Score: 61.2%


Your Governor:

Phil Murphy (D) (25)
First term began in 2018 (two-term limit). Re-elected in 2021.

Governor Murphy did an about-face on charter school expansion. For the first time since his election back in 2018, 78% of the charter schools seeking to enroll more students were approved. While it is being viewed as a political calculation by education freedom supporters in the Garden State, credit must be given where it is due.


With Democrats firmly in control, New Jersey is still a status quo state but the legislature is reviewing the possibility of open enrollment which is at least something to provide a different path for some families but that’s about all that can be said with regard to meaningful change.

Constitutional Issues

New Jersey's constitution does not contain a Blaine Amendment. Several state cases over the years have underscored the constitutionality of public funds supporting private decisions. The state's famous Abbott case on education equity also allows pre-school funds to flow to private schools by the parents' choices.

There is a case pending before the NJ Supreme Court, In re Renewal Application of TEAM Academy Charter School, that seeks to overturn an expansion of charter schools in Newark in 2016 by the state education commissioner.


School and district reports are not easily found on New Jersey Department of Education homepage but can be located through an external link,, which takes viewers to the state’s school and district report cards. Report cards have a useful function that allows users to choose between a detailed school report and a summary report. Data is comprehensive and complete, including information on demographics, academic achievement, college and career readiness, postsecondary, school climate, staff, and per-pupil expenditures. One downside is it requires digging through multiple links to find what you’re searching for.

Educational options are easily found within the “Families → School Options” section of the Department of Education homepage, further increasing transparency by giving parents access to information they need to make decisions.

School board elections in New Jersey align with the general election cycle, empowering parents with greater influence in their decision-making due to increased voter turnout.