Your Governor:

Joe Lombardo (R) (50)
First term began in 2023 (two-term limit).
Governor Lombardo has continued to sit down at the table with a Democratic controlled legislature in an effort to create more innovation and transformational programs in the state. He was able to create new funding for charter school transportation as well as adopt policies that allowed for new ideas and approaches to alternative education opportunities and work training programs. Efforts to expand the scope of tax credits were shot down immediately by the Democrats; if parents can rally behind the governor, perhaps he would be willing to gamble on more aggressive efforts.
The legislature isn’t scheduled to meet in 2024, which may give the Governor time to open the door to different educational opportunities. That said, he still is dealing with a body that favors systems over families and sees no reason to vote against the unions at the expense of the state’s children.
Constitutional Issues

Nevada has a Blaine Amendment that has not been found to prohibit expanded educational options, though the Court has ruled on how such programs are funded. "In a 2016 decision, the Nevada Supreme Court held that "providing aid to Nevada families through an ESA program did not constitute the use of state funds for a sectarian purpose and did not violate the Blaine Amendment" (Institute for Justice)and the education article's common school requirement "did not prohibit the state from encouraging other forms of education."

School report cards are very easy to find on Nevada’s Department of Education homepage under the “Data” subheading. Report cards are user-friendly and provide parents useful data on school environment and culture including chronic absenteeism rates, average class size, student-to- teacher ratio, credit deficiency, and student mobility. Data on student achievement, personnel, safety, and funding are also accessible from reports.
Educational options are highlighted on the homepage under the “Families & Students → Education Options” section, where parents can find information on charter and private schools, which houses information about the NV Choice Scholarship program and boosts transparency in the state.
School board elections in Nevada align with the general election cycle, empowering parents with greater influence in their decision-making due to increased voter turnout.