
Overall PPI Score: 70.1%


Your Governor:

Brad Little (R) (50)
First term began in 2019 (no term limit). Re-elected in 2022.

Governor Brad Little partnered with the legislature and drove major improvements to the charter school law, the development of hybrid learning models and a statewide open enrollment policy to the state.


The legislature worked well with the Governor and the changes that began in 2023 have carried over to 2024 with the introduction of a tax credit bill in both the House and Senate. Idaho is a state to closely watch, as it seems legislators are determined to put families' needs first and deliver a major increase in parent power.

Constitutional Issues

The Idaho Supreme Court has taken a restrictive interpretation of its Blaine Amendment and has used it to strike down a statute allowing transportation of private school students at public expense. 

In April 2024, a lawsuit was filed in the state challenging the Blaine Amendment, arguing it infringes on religious freedom and free speech rights. Additionally, during the 2024 legislative session, two lawmakers who support school choice proposed a constitutional amendment to repeal the Blaine provision. However, it didn't advance in the House and would have needed a two-thirds supermajority in both chambers and voter approval to pass.


School report cards are easy to access from the Idaho Department of Education homepage by clicking the “Assessment and Accountability” section and can be alternatively assessed through Schools are easily searchable, and report cards are well-formatted, with an initial landing page that provides a school overview, including school recognition and student demographics, and additional sub sections divided into “Academic” and “Non- academic” indicators, which provide detailed information on achievement and growth, college/career readiness, teacher workforce, engagement, absenteeism, and financing.

Educational options are also easily accessible by clicking the “School Choice” section on the homepage. From there, you have the option to read about charters, homeschool, private, alternative, or magnet options in the state.

School board elections in Idaho align with the general election cycle, empowering parents with greater influence in their decision-making due to increased voter turnout.