Your Governor:

Ned Lemont (D) (0)
First term began in 2019 (two-term limit). Re-elected in 2022.
Ned Lamont hasn’t been a friend to education reform and still isn’t. New charter schools that have been approved as well as existing charters seeking to grow are stymied by his ignoring their calls for the state to actually fund parent choices. The unions appear to be more important to this Yankee than students.
Both the House and Senate ignore myriad proposals introduced by leaders in the Republican minority to create options and fund existing choices. They seem to confuse districts in high-wealth communities that work for kids in all schools, while the urban schools are low performing and rural districts lose out on innovations. Without removing hostile lawmakers, parents will never see the power they deserve.
Constitutional Issues

The Connecticut Constitution contains no Blaine Amendment. Both tax credit and voucher programs are school choice options for Connecticut. They are consistent with the Connecticut Constitution and relevant Connecticut state court decisions. However there is an article that expressly prohibits "school funds" from being expended for non-public uses.

Connecticut report cards are easily accessible on Connecticut’s Department of Education website by clicking the ‘EdSight’ button, which takes viewers to an online database to access school or district report cards. Reports include student enrollment and student demographics, disciplinary data, educator licensure information, and academic performance and accountability data.
Educational options are accessible under the “K-12 Education” tab, located on the homepage.
School Board elections in Connecticut occur separately from the general election cycle, often resulting in reduced parental influence and a diminished ability to make their voices heard due to lower voter turnout.