One of the few states without innovative public school options, Vermont's legacy "Town Tuitioning Program" and a better than average innovation score keeps the Green Mountain state from a completely empty parent power valley. But time will tell whether the nation's education freedom wave will move their mountains.
Vermont does not have a charter school law.
Vermont’s state education system promotes personalized learning plans, competency-based learning, and dual enrollment. By allowing work-based learning in schools, students are better prepared for career, college, and beyond.
Other than Governor Scott recognizing National School Choice Week, the Green Mountain State isn’t as lush as it sounds. Because of a reticent legislature, Governor Scott sees little opportunity to expand education opportunities for parents, but given that...
Home to the oldest "voucher" program in the nation, the Green Mountain states gives students with no public school in their area the funds to attend another public or private school of choice. Demands to expand the program to students regardless of the...
States whose opportunity programs ensure more equitable per-pupil funding and do not restrict eligibility to certain groups of students score higher on PPI!. There are only 3 states - Florida, Arizona, and Indiana - where this applies.
Vermont's Agency of Education homepage has multiple reports for families in various locations across the website, which might be confusing for families to navigate. Under “Data and Reporting,” viewers will find “Educational Performance” reports, which report...
One of many data points to assess whether a state has the right policies in place to ensure teacher quality is the "use of student achievement data in teacher preparation accountability." How empty or full the fuel tank above is will give you the answer for your state.
Vermont does not have a Blaine Amendment, but its constitution "contains a Compelled Support Clause that the Vermont Supreme Court has read to exclude parents who choose religious schools from participating in the current voucher program." (Institute for...