
Overall PPI Score: 85.5%

Flying high with its pioneering choice program, ambitious charter expansion and opportunities for innovation in teaching and learning put the Buckeye state in the top five for parent power! Efforts in 2023 and 2024 to improve equity and provide support for schools breaking the mold in entrepreneurial ways would make Ohio's very own Wright Brothers proud.



Policy Environment

Charter Schools

Grade: B
Rank: #11

One of the earliest states to adopt charter schooling for its least advantaged students, Ohio's charter law was fraught with challenges by opponents and advocates alike. But when bold lawmakers realized relegating charters to the eight worst districts in the...

Transformational Learning

Grade: B
Rank: #4

In 2019, Ohio approved the Ohio Digital Learning School to begin accepting students for the 2020-2021 school year. ODLS is authorized by the Ohio Council of Community Schools, and is a free online public charter school. ODLS offers credit recovery courses,...


Governor DeWine seized the moment and signed into law a major expansion of the Education Choice Scholarship making it accessible to all K-12 students across the state. Community (charter) schools also received a major boost with legislation that provides 92%...

Choice Programs (Scholarships, Vouchers, Tax Credits, etc.)

Grade: B
Rank: #4

The second state in the country to enact an education scholarship program for Cleveland's poorest students continues to make parent power advocates proud. Not only did Ohio pave the way for the constitutionality of education choice, but it set in motion a...


Thanks to bold state efforts, one in five students now have access to expansive opportunities for a myriad of learning approaches across public and private sectors, with more than 20 million eligible — a 60% increase in just two years!


School and district report cards are located on the homepage of Ohio's Department of Education website, and the state provides resources in multiple places for users to understand the report. The user-friendly report card dashboard offers a clear and...

Teacher Quality

One of many data points to assess whether a state has the right policies in place to ensure teacher quality is the "use of student achievement data in teacher preparation accountability." How empty or full the fuel tank above is will give you the answer for your state.

Fast Facts:

4th Grade Math Proficiency: 40%
8th Grade Math Proficiency: 29%
4th Grade Reading Proficiency: 35%
8th Grade Reading Proficiency: 33%
Average SAT Score: 1044 / 1600
Average ACT Score: 19.2 / 36
Graduation Rate: 87.3%

Constitutional Issues

Ohio's Constitution, while having no Blaine Amendment, was reviewed by the US Supreme Court, which upheld the Cleveland Scholarship program in Zelman v Simmons-Harris in 2002. Since then, Ohio educational choice programs have continued to be litigated - and...