New York

Overall PPI Score: 68.2%

A pro parent, pro innovation state of mind used to pervade New York's leadership, as a strong charter school law spawned hundreds of innovative and exceptional schools and led some districts, including NYC, to create better programs to compete. But the strongest teachers unions in the nation bargain operational restraints on school leaders into contracts, leaving parents to fend for themselves.



Policy Environment

Charter Schools

Grade: B
Rank: #10

A pioneering state that first demonstrated how successful a university system can be in authorizing no matter what the political party that controls the state, New York's charter environment still outshines most states, which is why it still scores high in the...

Transformational Learning

Grade: C
Rank: #39

While there aren't specific regulations for virtual schools, some districts in the state offer online or blended learning options. Additionally, NYSED promotes competency-based learning through initiatives like the "Mastery Collaborative" and allows for...


While her focus has never been education per se, over the past year Governor Hochul attempted to push through charter school expansion efforts in New York City that were rebuffed by a union dominated Democratic legislature. Still, credit has to be given to the...

Choice Programs (Scholarships, Vouchers, Tax Credits, etc.)

Grade: F
Rank: #32

New York has no private school choice programs available.


States whose opportunity programs ensure more equitable per-pupil funding and do not restrict eligibility to certain groups of students score higher on PPI!. There are only 3 states - Florida, Arizona, and Indiana - where this applies.


School report cards are easily located on New York’s Department of Education homepage under “Data & Reporting → Public Data,” or accessed via the state’s data platform, Report cards initially provide data at-a-glance view of districts...

Teacher Quality

One of many data points to assess whether a state has the right policies in place to ensure teacher quality is the "use of student achievement data in teacher preparation accountability." How empty or full the fuel tank above is will give you the answer for your state.

Fast Facts:

4th Grade Math Proficiency: 28%
8th Grade Math Proficiency: 28%
4th Grade Reading Proficiency: 29%
8th Grade Reading Proficiency: 33%
Average SAT Score: 1039 / 1600
Average ACT Score: 25.3 / 36
Graduation Rate: 82.6%

Constitutional Issues

"Despite an initially restrictive interpretation of its Blaine Amendment, New York courts have abandoned that approach... New York's highest state court held in Board of Education v. Allen that the Blaine Amendment was never intended to bar government programs...