
Overall PPI Score: 86.7%

Indiana embodies the 'slow but steady wins the race" adage. Over the past two decades, a variety of governors, lawmakers and citizens have coalesced to enact serious education programs that give parents power and teachers freedom and flexibility to design education to meet student needs. Robust career and technical education, dual enrollment and technology-enhanced programs round out the state to be the third best for parent power in the nation.



Policy Environment

Charter Schools

Grade: B
Rank: #6

One of the nation's best demonstrates why strong laws matter. Indiana's law utilizes rational and robust independent authorizing to oversee and support charters with lots of flexibility, resulting in strong, innovative and increasing options for students....

Transformational Learning

Grade: B
Rank: #3

Indiana allows work-based learning in schools and even provides students with a CTE diploma upon graduation. Additionally, students can attend one of the state’s virtual charter schools or a designated Innovative School/District, which has flexibility to...


Continuing the trend of Hoosier state governors who support education opportunity, newly elected Governor Braun also values parental rights in education: “As a father and former school board member, I know parents are the primary stakeholders in their kids’...

Choice Programs (Scholarships, Vouchers, Tax Credits, etc.)

Grade: B
Rank: #3

A history lesson for other states, Indiana's choice programs show the power of adopting powerful programs that help students succeed. Four programs together provide options to nearly universal access to choices to all families in the state to select the...


States whose opportunity programs ensure more equitable per-pupil funding and do not restrict eligibility to certain groups of students score higher on PPI!. There are only 3 states - Florida, Arizona, and Indiana - where this applies.


Indiana does an effective job at transparency, making report cards accessible for families. School report cards are easy to access online and found in two clicks off the homepage of Indiana’s Department of Education homepage via the dropdown menu, under the...

Teacher Quality

One of many data points to assess whether a state has the right policies in place to ensure teacher quality is the "use of student achievement data in teacher preparation accountability." How empty or full the fuel tank above is will give you the answer for your state.

Fast Facts:

4th Grade Math Proficiency: 40%
8th Grade Math Proficiency: 30%
4th Grade Reading Proficiency: 33%
8th Grade Reading Proficiency: 30%
Average SAT Score: 971 / 1600
Average ACT Score: 22.9 / 36
Graduation Rate: 89%

Constitutional Issues

In recent rulings, the Indiana Supreme Court "made clear that student-assistance programs are permitted under Article 8, Section 1 (in the education article) of the state constitution, as well as that constitution's Compelled Support Clause and Blaine...