
Overall PPI Score: 60.6%

Alaska's rank of 40 belies the intentions of its state's chief executive and some incredibly innovative charter and district schools that want to grow and expand but are stymied by a nostalgic commitment to tradition over progress. While the Governor is pushing hard to strengthen parent power in the Land of the Midnight Sun, parents need to mobilize to make change.



Policy Environment

Charter Schools

Grade: D
Rank: #37

Despite a record of success and a Governor dedicated to its expansion, Alaska's charter environment is limited by bureaucratic approval processes which limits opportunities for thousands of more students. It is ready for a refresh.

Transformational Learning

Grade: C
Rank: #27

Alaska emphasizes performanced-based learning, allowing students to demonstrate mastery through various methods, including dual enrollment and CTE programming. The state provides resources for districts and schools to implement CTE and students are able to...


Governor Mike Dunleavy, a supporter of education innovation and opportunity, seized on a recent Harvard study that revealed charter schools in the state are top performers, to push his long standing agenda to replicate the success for all kids in Alaska. Kudos...

Choice Programs (Scholarships, Vouchers, Tax Credits, etc.)

Grade: F
Rank: #41

Alaska does not have any private school choice programs.


States whose opportunity programs ensure more equitable per-pupil funding and do not restrict eligibility to certain groups of students score higher on PPI!. There are only 3 states - Florida, Arizona, and Indiana - where this applies.


Alaska’s school accountability data is parent friendly. School report cards are easily accessible on Alaska’s Department of Education mainpage under the Data Center tab. Data is written in simple language making report cards useful for all parents. Reports...

Teacher Quality

One of many data points to assess whether a state has the right policies in place to ensure teacher quality is the "use of student achievement data in teacher preparation accountability." How empty or full the fuel tank above is will give you the answer for your state.

Fast Facts:

4th Grade Math Proficiency: 28%
8th Grade Math Proficiency: 23%
4th Grade Reading Proficiency: 24%
8th Grade Reading Proficiency: 26%
Average SAT Score: 1082 / 1600
Average ACT Score: 20.2 / 36
Graduation Rate: 77.9%

Constitutional Issues

Alaska courts have historically interpreted the state's Blaine Amendment restrictively. Alaska has a Blaine Amendment and courts there "have rejected the distinction between aiding students and aiding the institutions those students choose to attend, thereby...